
Monday, March 4, 2013

Iris Folding Technique

Hey there!
So I was cruising around on Pinterest and discovered a technique that I have overlooked! Have you ever tried Iris Folding? I just tried it out and find that I love it! It is a super cute look that is pretty easy to achieve!
There are essentially two ways to go about Iris Folding (also called Quilting).
1. You  take a small rectangle and fold the top two corners into the center to form a triangle
Following a pattern that is laying face up on the table, you tape the triangles to the mask. See photo...

2. You take a long strip of paper and fold it once lengthwise. Following a pattern is optional. I have seen many more that seem to take a masked cutout and taped the strips to the mask.

Some patterns look like this.
The next chance I get I'm going to try a couple more free form patterns. How about you? Have you ever tried Iris Folding? I found this Iris Folding Technique video that shows a nice pumpkin shape being used.
Have fun working on this technique!